DS1102E Rigol Digital Oscilloscope

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  • 1 GSa/s maximum real-time sample rate
  • 1Mpts long Memory Depth.  ( Compare this to like scopes with just kb memory vs Mb! )
  • 100 MHz Bandwidth
  • 2 Channel
  • USB host support on the front of the DS1102E
  • Ultra compact design.  Fits on your desktop better
  • Advanced trigger modes: Edge, Video, Pulse Width, Slope, Alternate
  • Adjustable bigger sensitivity: Effectively filter noise from bigger signal and avoid false trigger
  • Cursor measurements: Manual, Track and Auto Measure modes
  • 10 waveforms, 10 setups, BMP and CSV storage
  • Math functions:+, -, x, FFT, Invert

This Rigol DS1102E Model is an economical digital oscilloscope with high-performance, which is designed with dual channels and 1 external trigger channel. It provides 20 types of wave parameters for automatically measuring, which contains 10 Voltage and 10 Time parameters. In cursor mode, users can easily measure by moving cursor. Besides, 3 types of cursor measurement are optional: Manual, Track and Auto. This DS1102E DSO provides powerful PC application software: UltraScope, which enables to: Capture and measure wave; Perform local or remote operation; Save waves as ".bmp" format; Save files as ".txt" or ".xls" format; Print waveforms.

More Information
Frequency100 MHz
Record Length1 MPts
Sampling Rate1 GS/s
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