MS27103A Anritsu Spectrum Analyzer



  • 9 kHz to 6 GHz
  • 12 (optionally 24) RF IN ports for use with multiple antennas
  • Sweep speed up to 24 GHz/s
  • Integrated web server to view, control and conduct measurements via web browser
  • Watchdog timer to insure long-term stability for remotely deployed monitors
  • Low spur levels for accurate signal discovery
  • 20 MHz instantaneous FFT bandwidth


  • Cellular operators monitoring their spectrum at BTS
  • White space monitoring (need for multiple antennas to cover wide frequency range)
  • Miscellaneous applications requiring multiple directional antennas


  • 6 GHz


The MS27103A remote spectrum monitor is designed to identify and locate interfering signals. This serves to optimize the user experience, a key goal for network operators. This translates into customer loyalty, reduced customer churn and superior brand.

More Information
Frequency6 GHz
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